Women are natural caretakers, they say. In everyday life, this often means that we make sure everybody else is taken care of, neglecting ourselves. This is dangerous, not only because we only have one life we should enjoy, but also, how much can we give if we never recharge? Try these 5 tips to be healthy and happy inside and out!
1. Follow your own path
We have more information poured on us every day than we can ever process. In this noise, it is important to calm down and look inside. Your body and your soul knows what it needs. If you follow this calling, you will walk your own path instead of following somebody else’s instructions.
2. Connect with your body
Your body is constantly giving you signals about how it is feeling. If you learn to listen, you will always know when something is off, and you can take steps to correct it before it gets too bad. Nurture this connection with regular light exercise (such as yoga or walking), and honor your body by eating intuitively.
3. Be present
Even if our minds like to hang out in the past or in the future, life is actually happening in the present moment. Do not miss it! Mindfulness is a great way of living life to the fullest. You can practice it during meditation, or by simply focusing your attention on what your senses are experiencing, whenever you can. This will ground you in the present and quiet your racing mind.
4. Connect with others
One of the best ways to make the most of life is spending it with people we love. Reach out to your friends and family regularly, if only for a short catch-up. Another great and often neglected way of showing our affection is by giving compliments. You can’t imagine the impact it can have on someone’s day!
5. Talk positively to yourself
The first person who can lift you up on a bad day is yourself. Learn to cheer yourself on. Don’t be embarrassed to do this in front of the mirror when you’re getting ready in the morning! This will get your day started right. And all through the day, when you have a negative thought about yourself, say “stop” and change the thought to something positive. Over time, you can train your mind to have a more positive outlook on yourself.
These simple practices will increase your happiness drastically. Follow them every day, and recommend them to your girlfriends, so you can all become happier together!