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Power In Partnership

Naturally, people are communal beings. Individually, we do well, but through partnership, we can excel further and faster. Your goals become less daunting and more attainable. We consider ourselves partners with you.

How do you ask?

The mission of Find Body Freedom helps every woman discover her innate wisdom. Through our Founder, Ilene’s personal struggles with weight and body image, it is our goal to remind you that you’re not alone on the journey, and we’re here to support you along the way.

Are you battling self-esteem and weight issues alone? Please reach to your community of support. You have a tribe of women through the Find Body Freedom program that’s willing to partner with you in love and accountability.

Schedule a consultation with Ilene today and learn about how you can become connected to a tribe of women through Find Body Freedom group program.

Our next group begins in February 2020, so contact us today.!

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